Active Use Cases

Work Opportunities

Hyperlocal jobs for candidates

Hyperlocal jobs for candidates

Job seeker finds suitable job opportunities enabling accessible and nearby employment.

Work from home/hyperlocal jobs for women

Women find suitable job opportunities without the need to travel.

Faster hiring for companies through timely, trusted candidates with pre-verified credentials

Access to a reliable hyperlocal workforce with pre-verified credentials, reducing recruitment time and costs.

Internships for students of universities and skilling organisations

Students from universities and skilling organisations gain valuable industries experience through accessible, high quality internship opportunities that complement their education.

Work Opportunities Cohort

Skilling Experiences

Hyperlocal jobs for candidates

Career kickstarters to enhance employability

Job seekers improve their chances of success with access to small, targeted learning modules, such as career kickstarters, English communication, and more, that enhance employability quickly.

Enhancing job readiness and workplace success

Users improve their chances of excelling in their roles with effective on-the-job training with avenues like front-end sales training (retail, BFSI, etc.), manufacturing and logistics readiness, and more, leading to better career growth and retention outcomes.

Interview prep of candidates to crack job interviews

Skilling organisations enhance interview readiness of candidates leading to higher success rates in job interviews and improved job placement outcomes.

Skilling Experiences Cohort

Financial Aid

From beneficiaries finding benefits to benefits finding beneficiaries through a digital fast pass approach

Seamless access to scholarship opportunities by enabling one-click applications through pre-verified digital profiles, leading to timely disbursements.

Merit- or need-based scholarships covering essential education expenses, exam preparation and technical courses

Enable students to achieve seamless learning and career opportunities.

Financial Aid Cohort

Expert Connect

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